nah baszki, csak ez az egy kibb modul tartott 1 óráig... ha én ezt így egy az egybe megtalálom máshol, tuti kiverem a balhét^^" jószórakozást:)
*1 "The Day I Became a Soul Reaper"
"Shinigami ni natchatta hi" (死神になっちゃった日)
-Így lettem halálisten
2 "A Soul Reaper's Work"
"Shinigami no oshigoto" (死神のお仕事)
-Egy halálisten munkája
3 "The Older Brother's Wish, the Younger Sister's Wish"
"Ani no omoi, imōto no omoi" (兄の想い、妹の想い)
-Testvéri kötelék
4 "Cursed Parakeet"
"Noroi no inko" (呪いのインコ)
-Az elátkozott papagáj
5 "Beat the Invisible Enemy!"
"Mienai teki o nagure!" (見えない敵を殴れ!)
-Harc a láthatatlannal
6 "Fight to the Death! Ichigo vs. Ichigo"
"Shitō! Ichigo vs Ichigo" (死闘!一護VSイチゴ)
-Halálos összecsapás! Ichigo kontra Ichigo
7 "Kon-nichiwa from a Stuffed Lion"
"Nuigurumi kara KONnichiwa" (ぬいぐるみからコンにちは)
-Üdvözöl a plüssoroszlán
8 "June 17, Memories in the Rain"
"Rokugatsu jūnananichi, ame no kioku" (6月17日、雨の記憶)
-Emlékek az esőben
9 "Unbeatable Enemy"
"Taosenai teki" (倒せない敵)
-A legyőzhetetlen ellenfél
10 "Assault on Trip at Sacred Ground!"
"Burari reiba totsugeki no tabi!" (ぶらり霊場突撃の旅!)
11 "The Legendary Quincy"
"Densetsu no Kuinshī" (伝説のクインシー)
-A legendás quincy
12 "A Gentle Right Arm"
"Yasashii migiude" (やさしい右腕)
-a gyengéd óriás
13 "Flower and Hollow"
"Hana to horō" (花とホロウ)
-lidércek és virágok
14 "Back to Back, a Fight to the Death!"
"Senaka awase no shitō!" (背中合わせの死闘!)
-küzdelem vállt vállnak vetve
15 "Kon's Great Plan"
"Kon no UHAUHA daisakusen" (コンのウハウハ大作戦)
-Kon óriási terve
16 "The Encounter, Abarai Renji!"
"Abarai Renji, misan!" (阿散井恋次、見参!)
-a nagy összecsapás: Abarai Renji!
17 "Ichigo Dies!"
"Ichigo, shisu!" (一護、死す!)
- Ichigo meghal
18 "Reclaim the Power of a Soul Reaper!"
"Torimodose! Shinigami no chikara!" (取り戻せ! 死神の力!)
-Megújult erővel
19 "Ichigo Becomes a Hollow!"
"Ichigo, horō ni ochiru!" (一護、ホロウに墜ちる!)
-Ichigóból lidérc lesz!
20 "Ichimaru Gin's Shadow"
"Ichimaru Gin no kage" (市丸ギンの影)
-Ichimaru árnyéka
*21 "Enter! The World of Soul Reapers"
"Totsunyū! Shinigami no sekai" (突入!死神の世界)
-Irány a halálistenek világa!
22 "The Man who Hates Soul Reapers"
"Shinigami o nikumu otoko" (死神を憎む男)
-A vaddisznó lovasok
23 "14 Days Before Rukia's Execution"
"Rukia shokei, jūyokka mae" (ルキア処刑、14日前)
-csak 14 nap
24 "Assemble! The 13 Divisions"
"Kesshū! Gotei jūsantai" (結集!護廷13隊)
-a 13 osztag
25 "Penetrate the Center with an Enormous Bombshell?"
"Kyodai hōdan de chūō toppa?" (巨大砲弾で中央突破?)
-áttörés a pajzson
26 "Formation! The Worst Tag"
"Kessei! Saiaku no taggu" (結成! 最悪のタッグ)
-halálos fogócska
27 "Release the Death Blow!"
"Hissatsu no ichigeki o hanate!" (必殺の一撃を放て!)
-az első megmérettetés
28 "Orihime Targeted"
"Nerawareta Orihime" (狙われた織姫)
-Orihime veszélyben
29 "Breakthrough! The Soul Reapers' Encompassing Net"
"Toppaseyo! Shinigami hōimō" (突破せよ! 死神包囲網)
-szorul a hurok
30 "Renji's Confrontation"
"Tachihadakaru Renji" (立ちはだかる恋次)
Ismét szemtől szemben
31 "The Resolution to Kill"
"Kiru tame no kakugo" (斬る為の覚悟)
-halálos elszántság
32 "Stars and the Stray"
"Hoshi to norainu" (星と野良犬)
-a csillag és a kóbor kutya
33 "Miracle! The Mysterious New Hero"
"Kiseki! Nazo no shinhīrō" (奇跡!謎の新ヒーロー)
-Karakura új hősei
34 "Tragedy of Dawn"
"Yoake no sangeki" (夜明けの惨劇)
-gyilkosság hajnalban
35 "Aizen Assassinated! The Darkness which Approaches"
"Aizen ansatsu! Shinobiyoru yami" (藍染暗殺!忍び寄る闇)
-közelgő sötétség
36 "Zaraki Kenpachi Approaches!"
"Zaraki Kenpachi semaru!" (更木剣八、迫る!)
-Zaraki Kenpachi támad
37 "Motive of the Fist"
"Ken no riyū" (拳の理由)
-Akiért harcolok
38 "Desperation! The Broken Zangetsu"
"Zettaizetsumei! Orareta Zangetsu" (絶対絶命! 折られた斬月)
-A törött penge
39 "The Immortal Man"
"Fujimi no otoko" (不死身の男)
-A halhatatlan
40 "The Soul Reaper Ganju Met"
"Ganju no mita shinigami" (岩鷲の見た死神)
-Ganju és a halálisten találkozása
41 "Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia"
"Saikai, Ichigo to Rukia" (再会、一護とルキア)
-A viszontlátás pillanata
*42 "Yoruichi, Goddess of Flash, Dances!"
"Shunshin Yoruichi, mau!" (瞬神夜一、舞う!)
-Villámléptű Yoruichi tánca
43 "The Despicable Soul Reaper"
"Hiretsu na shinigami" (卑劣な死神)
-A gyalázatos halálisten
44 "Ishida's Ultimate Power!"
"Ishida, kyokugen no chikara!" (石田、極限の力!)
-A győzelem ára
45 "Overcome Your Limits!"
"Genkai o koero!" (限界を越えろ!)
-felülmúlni önmagad
46 "Authentic Records! School of Soul Reapers"
"Jitsuroku! Shinigami no gakkō" (実録! 死神の学校)
-A halálisten iskola
47 "The Avengers"
"Adautsu monotachi" (仇討つ者たち)
-a bosszúálló
48 "Hitsugaya Howls!"
"Hitsugaya, hoeru!" (日番谷、吼える!)
-a sárkány üvöltése
49 "Rukia's Nightmare"
"Rukia no akumu" (ルキアの悪夢)
-Rukia rémálma
50 "The Reviving Lion"
"Yomigaeru shishi" (よみがえる獅子)
-az oroszlán visszatér
51 "Morning of the Sentence"
"Shokei no asa" (処刑の朝)
-a kivégzés hajnala
52 "Renji, Oath of the Soul! Death Match with Byakuya"
"Renji, tamashii no chikai! Byakuya to no shitō" (恋次、魂の誓い! 白哉との死闘)
-Renji fogadalma
53 "Gin Ichimaru's Temptation, Resolution Shattered"
"Ichimaru Gin no yūwaku, kuzusareta kakugo" (市丸ギンの誘惑、崩された覚悟)
-Ichimaru kísértése
54 "An Accomplished Oath! Get back Rukia!"
"Hatasareru chikai! Rukia dakkan naru ka!" (果たされる誓い! ルキア奪還なるか)
-A betartott eskü
55 "The Strongest Soul Reapers! Ultimate Confrontation Between Teacher and Students"
"Saikyō no shinigami! Kyūkyaku no shitei taiketsu" (最強の死神! 究極の師弟対決)
-Mester és tanítványok
56 "Supersonic Battle! Determine the Goddess of Battle"
"Chōsoku no tatakai! Bu no megami, kessu" (超速の戦い! 武の女神、決す)
-Ki lesz a harc istennője?
57 "Senbonzakura, Crushed! Zangetsu Thrusts through the Sky"
"Senbonzakura, funsai! Ten o tsuku zangetsu" (千本桜、粉砕! 天を衝く斬月)
-Az égbe maró penge
58 "Unseal! The Black Blade, the Miraculous Power"
"Kaihō! Kuroki yaiba, kiseki no chikara" (開放! 黒き刃、奇跡の力)
-A fekete penge
59 "Conclusion of the Death Match! White Pride and Black Desire"
"Shitō ketchaku! Shiroki hokori to kuroki omoi" (死闘決着! 白き誇りと黒き想い)
-Fehér gőg, sötét gondolatok
60 "Reality of the Despair, the Assassin's Dagger is Swung"
"Zetsubō no shinjitsu, furiorosareta kyōjin" (絶望の真実、振り下ろされた凶刃)
-A gyilkos tőr lesújt
61 "Aizen Stands! Horrible Ambitions"
"Aizen, tatsu! Osorubeki yabō" (藍染、立つ! 恐るべき野望)
-Aizen rémisztő terve
62 "Gather Together! Group of the Strongest Soul Reapers!"
"Shūketsu seyo! Saikyō no shinigami shūdan" (集結せよ! 最強の死神集団)
-A legerősebb halálistenek gyülekezete
63 "Rukia's Resolution, Ichigo's Feelings"
"Rukia no ketsui, Ichigo no omoi" (ルキアの決意、一護の想い
-Rukia döntése, Ichigo érzései
*64 "New School Term, Renji has Come to the Material World?!"
"Shingakki, gense ni Renji ga yatte kita!?" (新学期、現世に恋次がやって来た!?)
-Kezdődik az új félév
65 "Creeping Terror, the Second Victim"
"Shinobi yoru kyōfu, nibanme no giseisha" (忍び寄る恐怖、2番目の犠牲者)
-Lopakodó félelem
66 "Break Through! The Trap Hidden in the Labyrinth"
"Toppa seyo! Meikyū ni hisomu wana" (突破せよ!迷宮に潜む罠)
-a labirintus mélyén
67 "Death Game! The Missing Classmate"
"Shi no gēmu! Kieru kurasumeito" (死のゲーム!消えるクラスメイト)
-halálos játék
68 "True Identity of the Devil, the Secret which is Revealed"
"Akuma no shōtai, akasareta himitsu" (悪魔の正体、明かされた秘密)
a démon valódi arca
69 "Bount! The Soul Hunters"
"Baunto! Tamashii o karu mono tachi" (バウント!魂を狩る者たち)
-lehull a lepel
70 "Rukia's Return! Revival of the Substitute Team!"
"Rukia no kikan! Daikō chīmu fukkatsu" (ルキアの帰還!代行チーム復活)
-Rukia visszatér
71 "The Moment of Collision! An Evil Hand Draws Near to the Quincy"
"Gekitotsu no toki! Kuinshī ni semaru ma no te" (激突の時!クインシーに迫る魔の手)
-Az összecsapás
72 "Water Attack! Escape from the Shutdown Hospital"
"Mizu no kōgeki! Tozasareta byōin kara no dasshutsu" (水の攻撃!閉ざされた病院からの脱出)
-Menekülés a kórházból
73 "Gathering at the Place of Fortune! The Man Who Makes His Move"
"Ba un to shūketsu! Ugoki dasu otoko" (場運と集結!動き出す男)
-A bountok összegyűlnek
74 "Memories of an Eternally Living Clan"
"Eien o ikiru ichizoku no kioku" (永遠を生きる一族の記憶)
-egy örökkön élő klán emlékei
75 "Earth-Shattering Event at 11th Squad! The Revived Soul Reaper"
"Jūichibantai gekishin! Yomigaetta shinigami" (十一番隊激震!よみがえった死神)
-földrengető események a 11. osztagnál
76 "Crashing force! Frieda vs. Zangetsu"
"Chikara no gekitotsu! Furīdo vs Zangetsu" (力の激突!フリードVS斬月)
-Ichinose visszatér
77 "Unfading Grudge! The Soul Reaper Whom Kenpachi Killed"
"Kienu onnen! Kenpachi ga kitta shinigami" (消えぬ怨念!剣八が斬った死神)
78 "Shocking Revelations for the 13 Divisions! The Truth Buried in History"
"Gotei jūsantai kyōgaku!! Rekishi ni uzumoreta shinjitsu" (護廷十三隊驚愕!!歴史に埋もれた真実)
79 "Yoshino's Decision of Death"
"Yoshino, shi o kaketa omoi" (芳野、死をかけた想い)
80 "Assault From a Formidable Enemy! A Tiny Final Line of Defense?!"
"Kyōteki no kyūshū! Chiisana saishū bōei sen!?" (強敵の急襲!小さな最終防衛線!?)
81 "Hitsugaya Moves! The Attacked City"
"Hitsugaya ugoku! Osowareta machi" (日番谷動く!襲われた街)
82 "Ichigo vs. Dalk! Appearance of the Faded Darkness"
"Ichigo VS Daruku! Shirakigami no shutsugen" (一護VSダルク!白き闇の出現)
83 "Grey Shadow, the Secret of the Dolls"
"Haiiro no kage, dōru no himitsu" (灰色の影、ドールの秘密)
84 "Dissension in the Substitute Team? Rukia's Betrayal"
"Daikō chīmu bunretsu? Uragitta Rukia" (代行チーム分裂?裏切ったルキア)
85 "Deadly Battle of Tears! Rukia vs. Orihime"
"Namida no shitō! Rukia VS Orihime" (涙の死闘!ルキアVS織姫)
86 "Rangiku Dances! Slice the Invisible Enemy!"
"Rangiku, mau! Mienai teki o kire!" (乱菊舞う!見えない敵を斬れ)
87 "Byakuya is Summoned! The Gotei 13 Start to Move!"
"Byakuya shōshū! Ugokidasu gotei 13" (白哉召集!動き出す護廷十三隊)
88 "Annihilation of the Lieutenants!? Trap in the Underground Cave"
"Fukutaichō zenmetsu!? Chikadōkutsu no wana" (副隊長全滅!?地下洞窟の罠)
89 "Rematch?! Ishida vs. Nemu"
"Saisen!? Ishida VS Nemu" (再戦!?石田VSネム)
90 "Renji Abarai, Bankai of the Soul!"
"Abarai Renji, tamashii no bankai!" (阿散井恋次、魂の卍解!)
91 "Soul Reapers and Quincy, the Reviving Power"
"Shinigami to kuinshī, yomigaeru chikara" (死神とクインシー、よみがえる力)
*92 "Invasion of the Soul Reaper World, Again"
"Shinigami sekai e no totsunyū, futatabi" (死神世界への突入、再び)
93 "The Bount Assault! The Gotei 13 of Destructive Earthquake"
"Baunto kyōshū! Gekishin no gotei jūsantai" (バウンド強襲!激震の護廷十三隊)
94 "Hitsugaya's Decision! The Clash Approaches"
"Hitsugaya no ketsui! Gekitotsu no tokisemaru" (日番谷の決意!激突の時迫る)
95 "Byakuya Takes the Field! Dance of the Wind-Splitting Cherry Blossoms"
"Byakuya shutsujin! Kaze o saku sakura no mai" (白哉出陣!風を裂く桜の舞)
96 "Ichigo・Byakuya・Kariya, The Battle of the Three Extremes!"
"Ichigo・Byakuya・Kariya, sankyoku no tatakai!" (一護・白哉・狩矢、三極の戦い!)
97 "Hitsugaya Strikes! Slice the Enemy in the Middle of the Forest"
"Hitsugaya Shutsugeki! Mori no naka no teki o kire!" (日番谷出撃!森の中の敵を斬れ)
98 "Clash! Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Maki Ichinose"
"Gekitotsu! Zaraki Kenpachi VS Ichinose Maki"
99 "Shinigami vs. Shinigami! The Uncontrollable Power"
"Shinigami VS shinigami! Bōsō suru chikara"
100 "Soifon Dies? The Last of the Special Forces"
"Soifon shisu? Onmitsu kidō no saigo"
101 "Mayuri's bankai!! Sawatari·Clash of the Demon"
"Mayuri bankai!! Sawatari·Akuma no gekitotsu"
102 "The Last Quincy! The Exploding Power"
"Saigo no kuinshī! Bōhatsu suru chikara"
103 "Ishida, exceeding the limits to attack!"
"Ishida, genkai o koete ute!"
104 "10th Division's Death Struggle! The Release of Hyōrinmaru"
"Shitō jū ban tai! Hyōrinmaru o hanate"
105 "Kariya! Countdown to the Detonation"
"Kariya! Bakuhatsu e no kauntodaun"
106 "Life and Revenge! Ishida, the Ultimate Choice"
"Inochi to fukushū! Ishida, kyūkyoku no sentaku"
107 "The Swung-Down Edge! The Moment of Ruin"
"Furiorosareta yaiba! Hametsu no shunkan"
108 "The Wailing Bount! The Last Clash"
"Dōkoku no Baunto! Saigo no gekitotsu"
109 "Ichigo and Rukia, Thoughts in the Revolving Around Heaven"
"Ichigo to Rukia, kaiten suru omoi"
*110 "Reopening of the Substitute Business! The Terrifying Transfer Student"
"Daikōgyō Saikai! Kyōfu no Tenkōsei"
111 "Shock! The Father's True Identity"
"Kyōgaku! Oyajitachi no Shōtai"
112 "The Commencement of War, Visoreds and the Arrancars"
"Tatakai no Hajimari, Vaizādo to Arankaru"
113 "Prelude to the Apocalypse, The Arrancar's Offensive"
"Sekai Hōkai e no Jokyoku, Arankaru Shūrai"
114 "Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia and Soul Reapers"
"Saikai, Ichigo to Rukia to shinigami tachi"
115 "Mission! The Soul Reapers Have Come"
"Tokumei! Yatte Kita Shinigamitachi"
116 "The Evil Eye, Aizen Returns"
"Ashiki Hitomi, Aizen Futatabi"
117 "Rukia's Battle Commences! The Freezing White Blade"
"Rukia Sentō Kaishi! Kōritsuku Shiroi Yaiba"
118 "Ikkaku's Bankai! The Power That Breaks Everything"
"Ikkaku Bankai! Subete o Kudaku Chikara"
119 "Zaraki Division's Secret Story! The Lucky Men"
"Zaraki Tai Hiwa! Tsuite iru Otokotachi"
120 "Hitsugaya Scatters! The Broken Hyōrinmaru"
"Hitsugaya Chiru! Kudaketa Hyōrinmaru"
121 "Clash! The Protector vs. The Bearer"
"Gekitotsu! Mamoru mono VS Kōmuru mono"
122 "Visored! The Power of the Awakened"
"Vaizādo! Mezameshi Monotachi no Chikara"
123 "Ichigo, Complete Hollowification!?"
"Ichigo, Kanzen Horō-ka!?"
124 "Collision! Black Bankai and the White Bankai"
"Gekitotsu! Kuroi Bankai to Shiroi Bankai"
125 "Urgent Report! Aizen's Terrifying Plan!"
"Kinkyū Hōkoku! Aizen no Osorubeki Keikaku!"
126 "Uryū vs. Ryūken! Clash of the Parent-Child Quincys"
"Uryū VS Ryūken! Gekitotsu Kuinshī Oyako"
127 "Urahara's Decision, Orihime's Thoughts"
"Urahara no Ketsudan, Orihime no Omoi"
128 "The Nightmare Arrancar! Team Hitsugaya moves out"
"Akumu no Arankaru! Hitsugayatai Shutsugeki"
129 "The Swooping Descent of the Dark Emissary! The Propagation of Malice"
"Maiorita Yami no Shisha! Zōshoku suru Akui"
130 "The Invisible Enemy! Hitsugaya's Merciless Decision"
"Mienai Teki! Hitsugaya, Hijō na Ketsudan"
131 "Rangiku's Tears, the Sorrowful Parting of Brother and Sister"
"Rangiku no Namida, Kanashiki Kyōdai no Wakare"
*132 "Hitsugaya, Karin, and Soccer Ball"
"Hitsugaya to Karin to sakkā bōru"
133 "Ikkaku: The Hot-Blooded Kendo Tale"
"Ikkaku, nekketsu kendō monogatari"
134 "The Beautiful Patissier, Yumichika!"
"Utsukushiki patishie, Yumichika!"
135 "Kon is Deceived! Rangiku on the Lookout.."
"Hakarareta, Kon! Rangiku wa mite ita"
136 "Civil War in Hueco Mundo moves again! Ulquiorra's death"
"Weko Mundo nairan! Urukiora no shi"
137 "The Malicious Battle, Aizen's Trap"
"Akui no tatakai, Aizen no wana"
138 "Hueco Mundo moves again! Hitsugaya vs. Yammy"
"Hueco Mundo saidō! Hitsugaya vs Yammy"
139 "Ichigo vs. Grimmjow, the 11-second battle!"
"Ichigo vs Gurimujō, 11 byō no tatakai!"
140 "Ulquiorra's Scheme, the Moment when the Sun Sets!"
"Sakubō no Urukiora, taiyō ga shizumu toki"
141 "Goodbye..., Kurosaki!"
"Sayonara..., Kurosaki-kun!"
142 "Strict Order! The Forbidden Rescue of Orihime Inoue"
"Genmei! Inoue Orihime no kyujutsu o kinzu"
143 "Grimmjow Revived"
"Fukkatsu no Gurimujō"
144 "Ishida and Chad, The Quickening of a New Power"
"Ishida·Chado, atarashiki chikara no taidō"
145 "The Espada Gather! Aizen's Royal Assembly"
"Esupāda shūketsu! Aizen no gozen kaigi"
146 "The Name's Nel! The Appearance of a Strange Arrancar"
"Sono na wa Neru! Fushigi na Arankaru tōjō"
147 "Forest of Menos! Search for the Missing Rukia"
"Menosu no mori! Kieta Rukia o sakase"
148 "Ashido, The Soul Reaper Who Came from the Past"
"Ashido, kako kara kita shinigami"
149 "Through the Crumbling Forest, a Million Menos"
"Kuzureiku mori, hyakuman no Menosu"
150 "Oath! Back Here Alive Again"
"Chikai! Futatabi Ikite kono basho e"
151 "The Raging Storm! Encounter with the Dancing Arrancar"
"Fukiareru bōfū! Odoru Arankaru to no sōgū"
*152 "Ichigo Strikes Back! This is my Bankai"
"Ichigo hangeki! Koitsu ga ore no bankai da"
153 "The Devilish Research! Szayel Aporro's Plan"
"Akuma no kenkyū! Zaeruaporo no takurami"
154 "Rukia and Kaien, the Sorrowful Reunion"
"Rukia to Kaien, kanashimi no saikai"
155 "Rukia Retaliates! Release the Desperate Kidō"
"Rukia hangeki! Kesshi no kidō o hanate"
156 "Ishida & Pesche, the United Attack of Friendship"
"Ishida & Pesshe, yūjō no gattai kōgeki"
157 "Ishida's Trump Card, Seele Schneider"
"Ishida no kirifuda, tamashī o kirisaku mono"
158 "Right Arm of the Giant, Left Arm of the Devil"
"Kyojin no uwan, akuma no sawan"
159 "Yasutora Sado Dies! Orihime's Tears"
"Sado Yasutora shisu! Orihime no namida"
160 "Testament, Your Heart is Right Here..."
"Yuigon - Kokoro wa koko ni"
161 "The Cruel Arrancar, Ulquiorra's Provocation"
"Zankoku na arankaru, Urukiora no chōhatsu"
162 "Szayel Aporro Laughs, The Net Trapping Renji is Complete"
"Warau Zaeruaporo, Renji hōi ami kansei"
163 "Shinigami and Quincy, The Battle with Madness"
"Shinigami to kuinshī, kyōki to no tatakai"
164 "Ishida's Strategy, 20-Second Offense and Defense"
"Ishida no sakusen, Nijū byō no kōbō"
165 "The Murderous Intent Boils! The Joyful Grimmjow"
"Satsui futtō! Kanki no Gurimujō"
166 "Desperate Effort vs. Desperate Effort! Hollowfied Ichigo"
"Shiryoku vs. shiryoku! Horōkashita Ichigo"
167 "The Moment of Conclusion, The End of Grimmjow"
"Kecchaku no toki, Gurimujō no saigo"
*168 "The New Captain Appears! His name is Amagai Shūsuke"
"Shin taichō tōjō! Sono namae wa Amagai Shūsuke"
169 "New Development, the Dangerous Transfer Student Appears!"
"Shin tenkai, kiken na tenkōsei arawaru!"
170 "Desperate Struggle Under the Moonlit Night, the Mysterious Assassin and Zanpakutō"
"Tsukiyo no shitō, nazo no shikaku to zanpakutō"
171 "Kenryū, the Profusion of Blooming Crimson Flowers"
"Kenryū, sakimidareru beni no hana"
172 "Kibune Goes to War! The Violent Wind that Rages"
"Kibune shutsujin! Fukiareru reppū"
173 "The Appearance of the Great Evil! The Darkness in the House of Kasumiōji"
"Kyoaku no tōjō! Kasumiōji ka no yami"
174 "Break the Mirror's Boundary! Ichigo's Captivity"
"Kagami no kyōkai o yabure! Toraware no Ichigo"
175 "The Revenging Assassin, Ichigo is Targeted"
"Fukushū no shikaku, nerawareta Ichigo"
176 "Mystery! The Sword-Consuming Assassin"
"Kaiki! Katana o kuu ansatsusha"
177 "The Reversal of Rukia! The Rampaging Blade"
"Gyakuten no Rukia! Bōsōsuru katana"
178 "The Nightmare Which is Shown, Ichigo's Inside the Mirror"
"Miserareta akumu, kagami no naka no Ichigo"
179 "Confrontation?! Amagai vs. Gotei 13"
"Tairitsu!? Amagai VS Gotei jūsantai"
180 "The Princess' Decision, the Sorrowful Bride"
"Hime no ketsui, kanashiki hanayome"
181 "The 2nd Division Sorties! Ichigo is Surrounded"
"Nibantai shutsugeki! Hōisareta Ichigo"
182 "Amagai's True Strength, zanpakutō is released!"
"Amagai no jitsuryoku, zanpakutō kaihō!"
183 "The Darkness Which Moves! Kibune's True Colors"
"Ugokidashita yami! Kibune no shōtai"
184 "Kira and Kibune, Offense and Defense of the 3rd Division"
"Kira to Kibune, sanbantai no kōbō"
185 "Ice and Flame! Fierce Fight of Amagai vs. Hitsugaya"
"Kōri to honō! Amagai VS Hitsugaya no gekitō"
186 "Sortie Orders! Suppress the House of Kasumiōji"
"Shutsugeki shirei! Kasumiōji ka o seiatsuseyo"
187 "Ichigo Rages! The Assassin's Secret"
"Ichigo gekido! Ansatsusha no himitsu"
188 "Duel! Amagai vs. Ichigo"
"Kettō! Amagai VS Ichigo" (決闘!天貝VS一護)
189 "The Fallen Shinigami's Pride"
"Ochita shinigami no hokori" (堕ちた死神の誇り)
*190 "Hueco Mundo Chapter, Restart!"
"Weko Mundo hen, saikai!" (ウェコムンド編、再会!)
191 "The Frightening Banquet, Szayel Aporro Theater"
"Kyōen, Zaeruaporo gekijō" (恐宴、ザエルアポロ劇場)
192 "Nel's Secret, A Busty Beauty Joins the Battle!?"
"Neru no himitsu, kyonyū bijo sansen!?" (ネルの秘密、 巨乳美女参戦!?)
193 "Irresistible, Puppet Show of Terror"
"Teikō funō, kyōfu no ningyōgeki" (抵抗不能、恐怖の人形劇)
194 "Neliel's Past"
"Nerieru no kako" (ネリエルの過去)
195 "The Ultimate Union! Pesche's Seriousness"
"Kyūkyoku gattai! Pesshe no honki" (究極合体! ペッシェの本気)
196 "Joining the Battle! The Strongest Soul Reaper Army Appears"
"Sanzen! Saikyō shinigami gundan tōjō" (参戦!最強死神軍団登場)
197 "Byakuya's Bankai, The Quiet Anger"
"Byakuya bankai, shizukanaru ikari" (白夜の哉卍解、静かなる怒り)
198 "The Two Scientists, Mayuri's Trap"
"Futari no kagakusha, Mayuri no wana" (2人の科学者、マユリの罠)
199 "Holy Birth, The Resurrected Szayel Aporro"
"Seitan, Yomigaeru Zaeruaporo" (聖誕、蘇るザエルアポロ)
200 "The Hardest Body!? Cut Down Nnoitra"
"Saikō no karada!? Noitora o kire" (最硬の体!?ノイトラを斬れ)
201 "Nnoitra Released! Multiplying Arms"
"Noitora kaihō! Zōshokushita ude" (ノイトラ開放!増殖した腕)
202 "Fierce Fighting Conclusion! Who's the Strongest?"
"Gekitō kecchaku! Saikyō wa dare da" (激動決着!最強は誰だ)
203 "Karakura Town Gathers! Aizen Versus the Soul Reapers"
"Karakura-chō ni shūketsu! Aizen tai shinigami" (空座町に集結!藍染対死神)
204 "Ichigo's Seppuku Persuasion Strategy ☆"
"Ichigo no seppuku settoku sakusen" (一護の切腹説得大作戦☆)
205 "Thump! A Kemari Tournament Filled with Hollows"
"Doki! Horō darake no kemari taikai" (ドキ!虚だらけの蹴鞠大会)
206 "The Past Chapter Begins! The Truth from 110 Years Ago"
"Kako hen kaishi! Hyakujū nen mae no shinjitsu" (過去編開始!110年前の真実)
207 "12th Division's New Captain, Kisuke Urahara"
"Jūnibantai shin taichō, Urahara Kisuke" (十二番隊新隊長、浦原喜助)
208 "Aizen and the Genius Boy"
"Aizen to tensai shōnen" (藍染と天才少年)
209 "Muguruma 9th Division, Moves Out"
"Muguruma Kyūbantai, shutsudōse yo" (六車九番隊、出動せよ)
210 "Hiyori Dies? The Beginning of Tragedy"
"Hiyori shisu? Higeki no hajimari" (ひよ里死す?悲劇の始まり)
211 "Betrayal! Aizen's Secret Maneuvers"
"Uragiri! An'yaku no Aizen" (裏切り!暗躍の藍染)
212 "Rescue Hirako! Aizen vs. Urahara"
"Hirako o sukue! Aizen VS Urahara" (平子を救え!藍染VS浦原)
213 "The Soul Burial Detective, Karakura Riser is Born"
"Konsō keiji Karakuraizā tanjō" (魂葬刑事カラクライザー誕生)
214 "Karakura Riser's Last Day"
"Karakuraizā saigo no hi" (カラクライザー最後の日)
*215 "Defend Karakura Town! Entire Appearance of the Soul Reapers"
"Karakura-chō o mamore! Shinigami sōtōjō" (空座町を護れ!死神総登場)
216 "Elite! The Four Soul Reapers"
"Seiei! Yonnin no shinigami" (精鋭!四人の死神)
217 "Beautiful Little Devil Charlotte"
"Utsukushiki koakuma Sharurotte" (美しき小悪魔シャルロッテ)
218 "Kira, The Battle Within Despair"
"Kira, zetsubō no naka de no tatakai" (吉良、絶望の中での戦い)
219 "Hisagi's Shikai! The Name is..."
"Hisagi shikai! Sono na wa..." (檜佐木始解!その名は...)
220 "Ikkaku Falls! The Soul Reapers' Crisis"
"Ikkaku taoreru! Shinigami no kiki" (一角倒れる!死神の危機)
221 "The Full Showdown! Soul Reapers vs. Espada"
"Zenmen taiketsu! Shinigami VS Esupāda" (全面対決!死神VS十刃)
222 "The Most Evil Tag!? Soifon & Ōmaeda"
"Saikyō taggu!? Soifon & Ōmaeda" (最凶タッグ!?砕蜂&大前田)
223 "A Miraculous Body! Ggio Releases"
"Kyōi no nikutai! Jio kaihō" (驚異の肉体!ジオ解放)
224 "3 vs. 1 Battle! Rangiku's Crisis"
"3 vs 1 no sentō! Pinchi no Rangiku" (3vs1の戦闘!ピンチの乱菊)
225 "Vice-Captains Annihilated! The Terrifying Demonic Beast"
"Fukutaichō zenmetsu! Kyōfu no yōjū" (副隊長全滅!恐怖の妖獣)
226 "Fierce Fighting Concludes? Towards a New Battle!"
"Gekitō shūketsu? Aratanaru tatakai e!" (激闘終結?新たなる戦いへ!)
227 "Wonderful Error"
"Wandafuru erā" (ワンダフル·エラー)
228 "Summer! Sea! Swimsuit Festival!!"
"Natsu da! Umi da! Mizugi sai!!" (夏だ!海だ!水着祭!!)
229 "The Rug Shinigami is Born!"
"Zura shinigami tanjou!" (ヅラ死神誕生!)
230 "The Materialization of Zanpakutō"
"Zanpakutō jittai-ka" (斬魄刀実体化)